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Podiums, Pulpits, And Lecterns

Lecterns, Pulpits, and Podiums! Oh my! That’s what you’ll be saying when you realize that shopPOPdisplays is not only the leader in display products, but we also carry the best in podiums and pulpits for sale! Whether it’s a church pulpit, acrylic podium, or any of our portable podiums, we know we have what you need to help make your next public speaking event a grand success.

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Subcategories in Podiums, Pulpits, And Lecterns


When making a presentation, being organized and prepared is paramount – showing up to a meeting or group gathering and speaking off the cuff is something only a lucky few individuals can achieve. For the rest of us, any advantage we can gain to nail the next business meeting, sermon, or lecture is something we should strive for. One way to achieve this is by having a proper speaking place. Whether it’s teaching podiums, portable lecterns, or any general speakers’ podium, having a place to put your notes, quickly collect your thoughts, and do all of this while standing at a professional-looking piece of furniture can only help your public speaking.
So what are these podiums, pulpits, and lecterns? What can they do for me and what’s the difference?
A podium, or what is sometimes referred to as a podium stand, is a small platform on which a person may stand behind to be seen by an audience, as when making a speech. Generally, these stands are used to hold notes or books for readings or speech notes, but there are some variants seen without and are more for decoration.
A lectern is a stand with a sloping top to hold a book or notes, and from which someone can read while standing up. Typically, you’ll see these used in a number of environments – the most common being lecture halls, classrooms, and religious places. Sound familiar? Podiums and lecterns are essentially the same thing, but often have one of the two names associated with them depending on where they are used.
Finally, a pulpit is a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which a preacher delivers a sermon. While pulpits are technically lecterns, they are for specific use in religious environments and often have design features specific to religious symbols or the style of the church.
When considering a lectern for sale, these aren’t usually the first things that come to mind, but the distinctions are there and have an impact on your purchase. So what do you need? Do you need an attractive podium to make your next presentation a big hit? A teaching podium to keep your notes organized and to better deliver information during an important part of the teaching curriculum? Want something to match the décor of your church? No matter the need we have the options!
Acrylic Podiums, Lecterns, and Pulpits – Featuring modern looking designs, flawless clear acrylic, and the ability to fit in anywhere, these acrylic public speaking pieces are the jack-of-all-trades and can be used in any number of places. Offices, schools, auditoriums – it doesn’t matter. If you want to make an impact on your listeners, these acrylic pieces can do the job and do it affordably.
Tabletop Podiums, Lecterns, and Pulpits – Small, portable, and great for travelers, these table top podiums are great for when space is at a premium. Simply place on a desk or table and you suddenly have a place to keep your notes and people’s attention.