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Beer, Wine & Liquor Store Displays

In 2021, sales of alcohol (beer, wine, and liquor) reached over 222 billion US dollars. According to a Gallup poll, 60% of U.S. adults reported drinking alcohol that year, which is down from 65% in 2019 when the last poll took place. Beer is still the most popular alcoholic beverage, followed by wine then liquor. Trending beverages include premium and craft beer, ready-to-drink beverages, and rosé and wines from lesser-known regions. While customers buy from all categories (beer, wine, and liquor) they usually stay loyal to their favorite brands. So, what does all of this mean for the retailer? You need retail displays to contain customer favorites and spaces to display new and trending beverages. From shelf displays to dump bins, portable displays to wooden barrels, and banners, flags, and signage, shopPOPdisplays carries a variety of liquor store displays, beer case displays, retail wine displays and wine shelving to help make that happen. Contact us with any questions or for more information on customized displays with your logo, brand, slogan, and more.
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Subcategories in Beer, Wine & Liquor Store Displays

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3x5 Shelf Talker Acrylic Sign Holder

Use Cases

At shopPOPdisplays, we have many products appropriate for liquor store displays, beer case displays, retail wine displays, and wine shop shelving. Here are just a few use cases:
  • Point-of-purchase (POP) Displays -
    Many customers who walk into your store may not know exactly what they want to drink. That’s what makes POP displays so important. A visually appealing display will catch a customer’s attention and influence a purchase. Shelf talkers, dump bins, free standing displays, and of course, endcaps are all examples. Make these custom and they really, er, pop. Whatever display you use, make sure it’s placed in a high-traffic area (the end of an aisle, or free standing near entrance, checkout lane, or center of store) to make sure it doesn’t escape your customer’s eye.
  • New Product Displays-
    People may have already seen advertisements for new beverages and are visiting your shop to purchase them. Others, however, may need a liquor store displays to tell, or remind, them that a great new beverage has launched. You can do so by creating a display that commands attention. For instance, a false bottom cedar barrel can hold a trendy Rosé or sparkling wine; a 4 tray tilt shelf display with dividers is also perfect for wine shop shelving or can feature selections from a local craft brewery or distillery.
    A custom cover graphic on a table with stacked cases of a featured beer or a custom printed pedestal visible to shoppers when they first walk in the door advertises a new item and help drive impulse purchases. A custom sign or banner in the window can announce the new product to those driving or walking by.
  • Wine Displays-
    Wood Barrels have been traditionally used for aging wine, so it makes sense to use them for retail wine displays. A false bottom cedar barrel can hold the monthly wine club selection, a cedar cut-out barrel doubles the display surface for bottles; and a cedar barrel with food safe liner filled with ice can chill a few bottles of white wine when cooler space is at a premium (and act as POP display).
  • Mini Beverage Displays-
    An acrylic display case can organize and display mini bottles of liquor (i.e., nips, shooters, airplane bottles). Usually impulse buys for customers, the case is best placed at POS or behind the register. A freestanding basket display with smaller bottles of spirits can also prompt an impulse buy when positioned near the checkout lanes. If you have counter space, stack the bottles on acrylic risers at the counter.
  • Beer Single Displays-
    The craft beer industry is still hot and going strong, so it pays to put a little thought into beer case displays. And with local breweries expanding their distribution, so many different brews are competing for shelf space. Singles are a terrific way for retail stores to introduce new brews to customers and support local breweries. Out of cooler space? You can display them in a 4 tray tilt shelf display with dividers and organize by brewery or type (IPA, lager, stout, etc.).

Beer, Wine, and Liquor Store Display Tips & Ideas:

Here are few innovative ideas for your beer, wine, and liquor store displays to help drive sales.

Wood Barrels and Displays – Wood fixtures create a warm environment and rustic touch. Traditionally used for aging wine, wood barrels make great retail wine displays, too. A false bottom cedar barrel can hold the monthly wine club selection, a cedar cut-out barrel doubles the display surface for bottles; and a cedar barrel with food safe liner filled with ice can chill a few bottles of white wine, rosé, or other bottled or canned beverages when cooler space is at a premium (and act as POP display). A 4 tray tilt shelf display with dividers can display mixers, ready-to-drink cocktails, mocktails, low- or no-alcohol beers, or other specialty items.

Countertop Dump Bins – From impulse purchases to accessories, count on these hardworking display cases to showcase smaller-priced items. Store mini liquor bottles (nips, airplane bottles, shooters) behind or on the counter in acrylic dump bins to drive impulse sales. Countertop bins can also display bottle openers, wine gift bags, small greeting cards, and other accessories at the checkout.

Wood shelves – Sturdy shelving is required to safely hold and display bottles of wine, liquor, and beer. Shelving along the wall keeps wines and spirits organized but freestanding units, such as our 4 tray tilt shelf display with dividers create more display opportunities in the center of your space. They can also be used to create an efficient traffic flow in your store when arranged in the center of your space. Keeping the height to 5 ft. high also helps increase visibility in the store for safety and deters theft.

Signage – Be sure to tell customers what you have in stock. Display promotional signs from local wineries and breweries in sign holders and picture frames. Poster frames accommodate larger marketing materials from local and bigger brands. Acrylic sign holders with suction cups adhere to refrigerator doors to call attention to beer or wine specials. A 3x5 shelf talker acrylic sign holder can announce specials on the shelves. You can also create a custom sign featuring your branding.

Banners and Flags -- A display banner, such as our 31.5"w display banner with L frame single sided custom print, can advertise what your store sells—wine, beer, liquor, or all three. A custom flag placed in the window or outside your door can be just as important as “open” and “closed” signs in signaling to potential customers what you sell.

At shopPOPdisplays, we carry a variety of liquor store displays, beer case displays, retail wine displays, and wine shelving. View our selection and order today! If you have specific requirements, we are always ready to provide custom-sized or custom-printed products, so contact us today.
