6 of the Best POP Displays and Why They Work

Never underestimate the power of an impulse buy. Point of purchase (POP) displays are popular for exactly that reason—they entice people to buy something they may not have otherwise, simply because it’s handy at or near checkout. Whether it’s candy at the grocery store, a bookmark at the bookstore or a car charger at the auto parts store, we’ve all done it. Consumers are 10 percent more likely to add impulse items to their purchase when shopping in-store vs. shopping online. Using POP displays near the moment of checkout is certainly an effective way to increase in-store sales.

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Holiday Window Display Ideas for Retailers

No matter how big or small your retail business may be, it is important to create enticing window exhibits that draw foot traffic into your store. Your window showcases the first impression of your shop — it’s your chance to catch someone’s eye and encourage them to come in and browse. The holiday season is no exception. In fact, window displays are actually most prevalent during the holiday season. Many big box retailers create magnificent holiday window displays that attract thousands of visitors each year.


In this article, we will share some of our favorite holiday window displays from years past as well as some tips you can steal from these retailers for creating your own window creations. We hope these stunning examples and our quick tips will provide you with some inspiration this holiday season.

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7 Ways to Use Cross-Merchandising to Increase In-Store Sales

Despite the very real pressures facing many retailers, there are still well over 400,000 brick-and-mortar stores in the U.S., according to Statista, the vast majority of which are small businesses. While online shopping has taken off with millennials, Gen Z consumers overwhelmingly prefer to do their shopping in stores—81 percent—and 73 percent said they like to discover new products there. Cross-merchandising by using one product to sell another is a tried-and-true way to increase in-store sales per customer. Why sell just one item when you could be selling two, three or more? Here are seven ways to cross-merchandise effectively in your retail store.

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5 Ways to Maintain the Beauty of Your Acrylic Products

Whether you are adding a high-end look to your retail display or using one of our custom made acrylic products to showcase beloved memorabilia, it’s important to understand how to properly care for this versatile material. Acrylic is an outstandingly strong, optically clear plastic that can be used for many years if treated right, so be kind to your acrylic pieces and beautifully highlight the things you love. Listed below are some helpful tips to keep your acrylic products resilient and bright. Continue reading 5 Ways to Maintain the Beauty of Your Acrylic Products

Inspiring Customer Creativity: Garson & Shaw

Today we’re highlighting the creativity of one of our customers, Garson & Shaw. Sometimes our customers inspire us with their innovations, not the other way around. While some of our clients, large and small, approach us with barely conceived, or fully-formed visions about the displays, fixtures, or products they want us to create, at other times, we discover an image or concept that blows us away, leaving us wondering, “why didn’t we think if that?” This is one of those stories. Continue reading Inspiring Customer Creativity: Garson & Shaw

Sports Memorabilia Buying Guide

Memorabilia. Defined as “objects kept or collected because of their historical interest, especially those associated with memorable people or events.” Whether your existing or envisioned memorabilia collection will hold high-value acquisitions, deeply personal mementos that bring you joy or is a mix of both, shopPOPdisplays is launching a series for collectors and keepers on the blog.  No matter your motivation, we’re offering things to consider when collecting, along with recommendations for how you might want to display and preserve your treasures, once you amass them. Continue reading Sports Memorabilia Buying Guide

Custom Countertop Displays: What You Need To Know

In order to take advantage of all the opportunities you have to market to your audience through displays, thinking intentionally about every display location — especially custom countertop displays — is essential. Consider this: Your counters are the last place customers go before leaving your shop, the place where they’ll make any impulse purchases, based on what they see around them as they’re exiting. This means that the items you promote and showcase on your counters — whether they’re in acrylic risers or restaurant display cases — take prime store real estate and should be chosen strategically. Continue reading Custom Countertop Displays: What You Need To Know

Customer Service is About Empathy

I stumbled upon two approaches to customer service today. One was written from the perspective of a consumer. An entrepreneur speaking to sales professionals on behalf of prospects, wrote the other. Each spoke to the critical nature of empathy, defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”
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Is Retail Dead? shopPOPdisplays Doesn’t Think So!

Is Retail Dead? Well, if you ask us, and we ofered our opinion on business.com, our answer to the question is NO. With more than 50 combined years of retail, digital and communications experience, the eCommerce team at shopPOPdisplays.com is embracing the mantle of thought-leader in the business space.
Continue reading Is Retail Dead? shopPOPdisplays Doesn’t Think So!