5 Keys for Home Office Organization

With so many Americans working remotely, home office organization has become a priority for many. Whether you’re reorganizing your home office or creating a fresh new work environment, you’ll need to balance aesthetics and practicality. Obviously, having things set up in a way that’s conducive to productivity is the priority, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun, too. Here are five keys to organizing or reorganizing your home office.

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7 Places to Use Sneeze Guards in Your Office

As employees return to the office, health and safety have become a top priority, specifically when it comes to colds and viruses. Unfortunately, if you’ve ever worked in an office, you know they have their fair share of germ zones—doorknobs, water cooler buttons, the coffee maker handle; it’s a list that seems to have grown longer with a pandemic. The good news is, alongside upgraded sanitization practices, office sneeze guards are a great way to minimize the spread of germs and viruses.

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Use Assortment Planning to Maximize Your Retail Store’s Profitability

A great looking retail floor is important, but one that increases sales and profitability is better. Assortment planning is one way to maximize your retail floor to boost sales and support a positive customer experience.


Just as you use a collection of marketing tactics to “convert” customers, or get them to buy a product, visit your store or engage with your brand in some way, assortment planning helps you optimize your retail space for conversions, too. Here’s an introduction to assortment planning, and how you can use it to boost sales and profits.

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An Owner’s Checklist: 7 Things You Need for Opening a Retail Store

Even though it does take a tremendous amount of planning and market research to help nail down your target audience, opening a retail store is an exciting experience. Once you have a business and marketing plan in place, you’ll need to find the right retail space that suits your needs and can offer the best experience for your customers.

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5 Shoe Displays Retailers Can Use to Step Up Their Sales

The shoe industry is one of the largest in the US, and shoe retailers provide an essential item that every man, woman and child needs. One of the largest hurdles faced by shoe retailers is creating shoe displays in an attractive manner that encourages customers to buy products. Luckily, there are several great shoe display solutions available, and we are going to present some here that are sure to drive more shoppers through your doors and boost your revenues.

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The Importance of Color in Retail Store Design

Color is special because it is a malleable thing, and there is no way to pin it down. Color evokes a mood, a time and can change, or stay the same—making it in a way, kind of alive. We see color all around us in a super-saturated way that makes us aware of even little changes, and so when a retail store design gets its color right—there is a kind of energetic frequency that pairs up with the visible products in the space, speaking volumes to customers about your brand.

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10 Retail Promotion Tips to Boost Springtime Sales

Spring isn’t the greatest retail season, and to some stores it could seem like a letdown, especially if they experienced big Christmas holiday sales increases. But keying up the right marketing promotions as the weather changes could delight a large audience and keep sales moving in the first half of the year. Keep these 10 marketing tips in mind this spring to help you capture more foot traffic and eyeballs to take in your spring retail displays. Continue reading 10 Retail Promotion Tips to Boost Springtime Sales