Within the world of visual marketing there are essential display fixtures that will help shop owners elevate their merchandise with flawless execution—acrylic risers being one of the most integral to store planning and displays. Among the various uses and styles of acrylic risers, there are a variety of ways to utilize them with effective and innovative placement. Below we will discuss the techniques to use acrylic risers in your store’s merchandising displays, how to decide which style is best suited for the store’s décor, and how to find the appropriate color and customization options to entice your consumers and gain more foot traffic to your store!

Acrylic U-Shaped Display Risers
A practical application for countertop displays, acrylic u-shaped risers are dynamic in design and available in a multitude of sizes to suit the store’s retail needs. Whether uses nested or individually, they are versatility at its best. Ideal for showcasing antiques, pottery, jewelry, cosmetics, and toiletries, they are multipurpose marvels. Acrylic u-shaped risers create an effortless way to heighten your products and bring them to the consumer’s eye level to ensure they won’t be missed. When displaying detailed ornamental items, it is best to choose a transparent style, so that consumer attention goes directly to the merchandise for sale. With ample space on the sides of these acrylic u-shaped risers, consider adding a custom logo to add a personalized touch and brand-building opportunity to your display.

Acrylic Pedestal Risers
Versatile in design, acrylic pedestal risers are available in many sizes. Ranging from large floor standing models to small tabletop styles, they are perfect for bringing light to ceramics, jewelry, or luxury accessories. An ideal visual addition to a window display or holiday presentation, acrylic pedestal risers can highlight key items while adding lustrous appeal. Tip: Black and or white pedestal risers offer an elegant classic aesthetic to any shop.

Acrylic Tiered Risers
A smart display tool for stores with limited space. Acrylic tiered risers offer a generous amount of shelving space in one convenient portable piece. Wonderful for smaller items, such as condiments, perfumes, pottery, and ceramics, they are also travel friendly and make for a great visual aid in retail pop-up pops.

Acrylic Block and Cube Risers
Looking to wow consumers upon arrival? Acrylic block and cube risers offer a sleek appearance with diamond-polished, smooth, glass-like finish. The perfect platform for high-end jewelry, fine china, three-dimensional artwork, luxury accessories and so much more—risers are available in a variety of styles that will captivate a client’s attention with their brilliant look.

Acrylic Cylinder Risers
The inexpensive merchandising tool you don’t want to be without. Acrylic cylinder risers are multifaceted as they can be used in multiple positions. Use them as a dump bin and position next to the cash wrap with impulse buy staples or use them to elevate key merchandise. Whether highlighting succulents, perfume, ceramics, or jewelry, risers add instant appeal to visual merchandisers. Available in a wide variety of heights, large and small, and tube diameters they can be customized for any store and display.

Acrylic Mirrored Risers
Acrylic mirrored risers can be used for a multitude of visual merchandising scenarios. They are ideal for displaying catered food, floral arrangements, jewelry, sculptures, and artwork to be showcased and viewed from multiple angles. Acrylic mirrored risers can be arranged as nesting displays or as standalone objects inside retail, restaurant, and gallery exhibits. Mirrored pedestals bring light and illumination to objects on display, creating eye-catching attention to promotional items in your shop while making a small space seem larger.

Acrylic Three-Legged Risers
A distinctive presentation piece, acrylic three-legged risers are an excellent choice for displaying rounded items such as bowls or records when flipped upside-down. Available in tall and short designs they can be placed upon high shelving for optimal view in any retail space.

Acrylic Platform Display Risers
Wonderful for large items or pop up shows, acrylic platform display risers are ideal for oversized inventory that can occupy a lot of space. Does your brand often appear at conventions or festivals? Acrylic platform display risers are available with legs or standoffs that assemble and disassemble for easy transport.

Contact our team to learn more about acrylic risers and how it can benefit your brand for less.