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Floor Standing Display Cases

shopPOPdisplays has a large selection of floor standing display cases to showcase your products. Retailers generally use a combination of floor standing display cases, cash wraps and retail counters to form the basic store floor plan. Counter height display cases and retail counters are designed for customer interaction. Free standing display with multiple shelves allow customers to circle the display while browsing. This style is popular with gift shops and jewelry stores. We also carry a large inventory of pedestal display cases with acrylic cover. Theses are popular with museums and art galleries to spotlight special art pieces. Use a combination of our floor standing display cases to create a unique retail floor space and experience.

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Display Case with Pedestal Design, Black

No matter why you need standing display, we have a solution to meet your needs. Exhibition, retail merchandising, bragging rights, choose the right size, style, and finish to support your brand and your message. Display cases and cabinets find themselves in schools, corporate locations, retail, museums and auction houses, and we have solutions for every environment. Whether your budget is lavish or conservative, we provided options to meet your highest and more practical goals simultaneously.